Email Security

Zero Trust Privilege for dummies
Cyber breaches are bigger and worse than ever. Hardly a day goes by without headlines about some new...

You Got Phished, Now What?
Security leaders work hard to prevent successful phishing attacks. But, despite email security solutions...

Secure Email Gateway: Buyer’s Guide
Protecting your organization against email-borne threats is only becoming more difficult as attackers...

Alphabet Soup: Making Sense of XDR, EDR, NDR, and SIEM
XDR, EDR, NDR, and SIEM. They are among the most prominent acronyms in cybersecurity. But what do they...

Modern Networking for the Borderless Enterprise
5 Ways Top Organizations Are Optimising Networking at the Edge. Enterprises are growing more dispersed...

Reduce Alert Fatigue in Your IT Environment
Security teams are tasked with managing a huge volume of alert logs, and this noise can overwhelm any...

The Definitive Email Cybersecurity Strategy Guide
Email is your most essential business tool—and today's top malware delivery vector. This vital communications...

Delivering Real-time Cloud Security Without Trading Off Performance
There has been a long-standing tradeoff between security and performance, and security often gets the...

Microsoft Digital Defense Report
Over the past year the world has borne witness to a burgeoning cybercrime economy and the rapid rise...

What is the Cost of a Misdirected Email?
The average number of misdirected emails is almost always higher than IT leaders estimate, making it...

PhishBusters Survey: Perception vs. Reality of Phishing Attacks
Cofense conducted a survey to examine the general public's perceptions of phishing attacks, including...

Privileged Access Management Buyers' Guide
Security breaches show no signs of slowing, and credential theft headlines are the number one attack...
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